Lindsey White's Keepsake

I love working with young writers, so I was excited to work with the students at Heritage Middle School in Ringgold, Georgia back in February of this year. I shared a few secrets with them—use strong verbs, add a few dashes of dialogue, start with a strong hook paragraph, etc. After each class, I said, "If any of you write a keepsake story and send it to me, I'll publish it on my blog." 

I received Lindsey White's keepsake story a few weeks ago, and as promised, I'm posting the story here for the world to read and consider. Lindsey was masterful at using his grandfather's bible as a way to launch into a story filled with rich memories. It's a great tribute to his grandfather.

Enjoy Lindsey's story titled, "My Grandfather's Bible."

It was getting close to summer time, which meant it had been over a year since my grandfather passed away.  He was in his early eighties when he died.  I was twelve at the time.  I was looking through some of his old Bible studies, lessons, and books at my grandmother’s house.  That's when I came across a Bible that had "Reed White" written on the bottom right corner in gold letters. 

I started to look through it, turning all the old worn pages.  He had written many little words throughout the Bible and underlined verses in blue and black ink.  I looked up to my grandmother and asked, “May I have Papa’s Bible?” 

She said, “Well of course you can, as long as you use it.” 

In excitement, I said, “Yes I definitely will.”

My grandfather grew up in a very poor environment.  At birth his twin brother and mom died, and his father was not in the picture.  His grandmother ended up raising him.  However, he made the best of what he had.  He graduated college and went on to work for the State of Tennessee until he retired.  He was deacon and taught Sunday school for thirty-something years. 

I had always looked up to my grandfather.  He was a very Godly man.  He never once judged people.  He taught me to get to know someone by looking in their inner appearance, not outer.  I thought very highly of him.

 My grandfather and I had always been close.  Every day after school, my grandmother would pick me up and drive me to their house. We would play different kinds of games.  My favorite game was Chinese checkers. 

But the first thing I did every day when I got to their house was sit on the red and green couch beside my papa’s dark green chair and tell him a joke.  Most of the time, my jokes were not even funny, but he would laugh like it was the funniest thing he had ever heard. 

Then he would tell me a new joke that someone had told him.  I remember when he asked me, “Where do one-legged waitresses work at?” 

Then he said, “IHOP,” and we laughed.  

I had the best time with my grandfather even if all we did was tell jokes to one another.

It has been around a year since I have had his Bible, about two years since he passed.  I leave his old red Bible on my dresser.  It is always open to the verse that he told me to live by when I got my first “big boy Bible” and when I got baptized.  The verse is Jeremiah 29:11.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you, not to harm you.” 

Every day I look at the Bible and that verse to remind me of what a great, Godly man and grandfather he was.  In the back of the Bible, it has pieces of advice.  There are sections on marriage, revel, repentance, and many more.  I feel that he wrote these things not only to help him, but to help me. 

That old, ripped and torn red Bible means so much to me because it was my grandfather's.  I will keep it until it is time to give it away to one of my grandkids.  Then they can pass it on to their kids.  I want it to be something that continues throughout my family. 

I have other things from my grandfather like two of his jackets, but his Bible means more to me than anything else.  Even though my grandfather is in Heaven right now, and I did not get a lot of time to be with him, he still means so much to me.  

Sometimes I will hold his Bible and read it when I am going through hardships because it reminds me of him.  My grandfather and his Bible will always be important to me.

—Lindsey White, Heritage Middle School

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Lindsey may be young, but the love he had for his Papa is universal. I love the fact that he and his grandfather shared special moments together telling each other jokes. I love Lindsey inserting "big boy Bible," into his story. Again, his story is a wonderful tribute to a man who meant so much to him.

Thanks, Lindsey. Keep recording your memories and feelings.

Keep storytelling alive, friends! Share the stories that matter. If you don't know how to get started, pick up a copy of Project Keepsake and read how other writers told their stories.

As always, thanks for your interest in Project Keepsake.

A Bible Story—Jen Kominsky's Keepsake

As I've roamed around the South asking people to talk about their keepsakes, several people have told me about Bibles. In Warner Robins, Jim Gilreath showed me an heirloom Bible passed to him from his great-grandfather, Jonathan Jeremiah Gilreath. It looked like something that should be viewed under glass at the National Archives. In Calhoun, Missionary Janie Aker showed me her Bible and told me the story of her Aunt Mattie Bell and how the Bible changed Janie's life trajectory.  I, too, have a Bible keepsake. 

Jen Kominsky writes about her keepsake—a Bible given to her by her grandmother. 

Jen Kominsky writes about her keepsake—a Bible given to her by her grandmother. 

On Christmas of 1976, my parents gave my siblings and me leather-bound Bibles with our names stamped in gold lettering on the covers. During my youth, I carried my Bible to Bonaire First United Methodist Church each and every Sunday and read along with Reverend Tom Ivey as he read the scripture of the day to our small congregation. I loved that little white church and everyone in the congregation. 

Today, there are small keepsakes tucked inside my little, worn Bible. In Ezekiel 39, two gift tags from Moore's Department Store are wedged between the thin pages. These tags adorned wedding gifts from my Grandmother Jarriel and my Great-Aunt Nadine. Each tag displays their shaky, loving handwriting.

At Numbers 15, I keep a crisp fifty dollar bill—a wedding gift from my Uncle Edwin and Aunt Monteen. I don't know why I put the money in my Bible instead of spending it, but it has been in that position since 1990 and I guess it will stay there.

So when I received Jen Kominsky's story about her Bible, I was curious where her Bible came from and what memories it contained from her past. She attached a photo of her Bible turned to Psalm 23, a psalm of David. I've always been attracted to that Psalm, with its strong, powerful imagery—valley of the shadow of death, a cup running over, etc.

I love Jen's story, and I think you will, too. It's titled, "The Key to my Past." Her story won honorable mention in November's keepsake story contest. Enjoy!

My Oma passed away earlier this year. I inherited her Bible. The Bible is thirty years old. It has become my most prized keepsake, and I hold it near and dear to my heart.

I actually took possession of the Bible while I was saying goodbye to her. She had been sick, and fortunately, I was able to share a few days with her before she died. The morning my mom called me to tell that Oma had passed, I immediately opened the Bible. I found comfort in running my fingers over the glossy pages. I read the notes scribbled in the margins written in her and my grandfather’s handwriting.

I skimmed through to the bookmarks they had placed. I read their favorite verses.

The Bible carries the scent of their house. Opening that Bible opens the door to my past. I am transported right back to my grandparents’ living room. I can remember the Bible was always on their coffee table. I felt love and warmth sitting in that room.

I can hear my grandparents’ laughter and see their grinning faces. I can feel their arms wrapped around me in a loving embrace. I can see sleepovers in the summer with the house filled with my cousins. I can taste the melt-in-your-mouth cookies we always shared over a cup of hot tea. I can remember rolling down the big hill in their front yard. I can remember always feeling completely safe in my grandparents’ home.

I smile through the tears because while holding that special book in my lap, I feel connected to them. Anytime I need to feel close to them I turn to that Bible. It helps me feel grounded. Who knew that one book would mean so much to me. I will always cherish that Bible.
— Jen Kominsky, 2014
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Jen is a busy wife and mom who writes and blogs from Virginia. She's passionate about fitness and healthy living. And of course, she is the keeper of her Oma's Bible—a priceless keepsake containing rich, beautiful memories. Check out Jen's blog, JVKom Chronicles, at

Thank you, Jen, for sharing your story with Project Keepsake.

Do you have a keepsake? I know you do. Don't delay, share your story with your family, friends, and others. Keep storytelling alive.

To read more short keepsake stories, consider purchasing a signed copy of Project Keepsake, a collection of fifty-five stories examining why we keep the objects we keep. Click the link on the right. It's on sale with no shipping charges.